School Expenses: | $0.00 |
Food and Groceries: | $0.00 |
Living Expenses: | $0.00 |
Professional Fees: | $0.00 |
Entertainment and Travel: | $0.00 |
Clothing Expenses: | $0.00 |
Loan Payments: | $0.00 |
Contributions and Gifts: | $0.00 |
Savings and Investments: | $0.00 |
Miscellaneous Expenses: | $0.00 |
Personal Toiletries: | $0.00 |
Transportation: | $0.00 |
Contributions and Income: | $0.00 |
Each item in your budget can be scheduled to be paid as follows:
Year | One payment at the start of the school year |
Semester | Two payments. One at the beginning of semester 1, the second at the beginning of semester 2. |
Semester 2 | One payment at the beginning of semester 2. |
Month | A payment for each month of the school year, September through April |
Tuition, textbooks, supplies and related materials, lab fees, library fees, photocopying and other related expenses.
Meal plan, groceries, eating out, snacks and other related expenses.
Residence, electric, mobile phone, Internet, rent, phone, cable, childcare and other living expenses.
Doctor, dentist, eye care, hair stylist, manicure/pedicure, masseuse/chiropractor, veterinarian, other.
Going out, movies, movie rental, CD's/DVD's, concerts, travel and other related expenses.
Purchases, cleaning, repair and other related expenses.
Personal, credit cards and other related expenses.
Charity, church and other related expenses.
Savings towards short-term goals, savings towards long-term goals, other savings.
Membership dues, postage, health club, Christmas gifts, birthday gifts, any other expenses.
Hair care products (shampoo, etc.), body care products (razors, etc.), facial care products (make-up, etc.), prescription drugs/vitamins and other related expenses.
Bus/Train pass, car payments, gas/oil, licensing, visits home, insurance, maintenance and other related expenses.
Scholarships, fellowships/grants, other aid (such as any loans), available savings, educational savings plans, family contributions, expected wages/tips, other income/assets.